Jesus came to save us from our sin, and remove our separation from God. In reconciling us to God,…
Vision Drama Mission Outreach Int’l
[bigletter]Vision Drama Mission Outreach International is a drama and film outreach based in Abuja, Nigeria. It…
[customfont fontfamily=”Roboto” fontsize=”22px” lineheight=”” color=”red”]A REVIEW OF THE MOVIE SERIES “HIGH CALLING”[/customfont] [videos file=””]WATCH[/videos] [blockquote custom_class=””…
The Blood of Jesus is O Type
[hercules-gallery ids=”13248,13219,13220,13221,13222,13223,13224,13225,13226,13227,13228,13229,13230,13231,13232,13233,13234,13235,13236,13237,13238,13239,13240,13241,13242,13243,13244,13245,13246,13247″ rowheight=”150″ lastrow=”justify” visibleitems=”4″ thumbwidth=”220″ thumbheight=”200″ margins=”4″ captions=”false” pinit=”false” randomize=”false” opengallerylink=”true” opengallerytext=”OPEN ALL” backtostory=”Back to…
The Vision
[bigletter]At The Kingdom Catalyst we’re driven by the need to ignite the world for the Kingdom…
[bigletter]Contrary to what some may think, God is in control of the earth. Obviously, man does not have control of the earth. Evil does not have control of the earth. Do not let adverse circumstances tell you otherwise. Trust in God. He is the Maker of all things, Master Planner, the great Architect and Controller. He is in control and will make all things new.[/bigletter]
Happy Birthday, General!
It’s time to celebrate God’s general. A battleaxe in the hands of God. On this your…