[bigletter]Welcome to the December 2022 edition of our biannual online magazine, The Kingdom Catalyst. This edition is themed, “Love the Lord with all your heart.”[/bigletter]
Deuteronomy 6:5 commands,
love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.
Jesus not only quotes this passage in Mark 12:30, but He emphasizes it.
Many people preach blessings and protection but woefully neglect the fact that we are commanded to love the Lord. If loving the Lord is not your focus, please prayerfully consider putting this foremost on your list of goals. Everything we do for the Lord should be based on our love for Him.
Dr. Bunmi Akinpelu, in her article, “Love the Lord With All Your Heart,” admonishes us to do just that. She tells us that
A heart conquered by God’s love is a fertile field for God-inspired service.
Please read it deliberately, slowly, and prayerfully. It is full of nuggets. The prayer at the end of that article is like a must-have premium “cup of coffee” that gets you moving every morning. Well…for coffee aficionados.
Christmas 2022 is just a few days behind us. As all the pomp and glitter settle; fortunately, the reality of Christmas is with us every day. It’s a fact that Christmas is not only about celebrating Christ’s birth, it is also about looking forward to what is to come — Christ’s return. The Rapture and the Shape of Things to Come by Evangelist Mike Bamiloye does not talk about baby Jesus in the manger. He confronts us with the reigning Christ to whom we render all our services and who deserves all our love and adoration. The Christ to whom all knees will one day bow.
If you have not bowed your knees by accepting Jesus Christ as your King and Savior, please do it now! He is the only way to be reconciled with God. He is the only way righteousness can be conferred upon us; the only way our just and eternal punishment can be averted.
This edition also features a must-read health article, Is Chronic Stress Killing You? by Alice Blackmore, a nurse content writer, and CEO of Insightful Nursing.
Dig in and feast on all the other great content meant to build, encourage, and teach. These include Dr. Leah Akinlonu’s regular Write Well Series and several others.
May God’s Kingdom come into our hearts and all the earth! May He teach us how to love Him with all we’ve got.
Joy Odafe, Editor-In-Chief
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December 29, 2021Good job here ma’am! May God continue to enrich you greatly.
Joy Odafe
January 4, 2022Glory to God ma. Our team is blessed to have you as a team member. May God richly reward you.
Bola Bunmi Esther Olaogun
December 31, 2021Glory be to God for His Faithfulness. May this turn many to Christ and increase the kingdom of God in Jesus name. Amen. More grace ma.
Joy Odafe
January 4, 2022Amen! Hallelujah! God is forever faithful. Thank you ma.
Oluwatoyin Ajoke OLADEJI
January 1, 2022May the Lord enrich our lives and ministries through the magazine. May we key into His grace to tarry in his presence
Joy Odafe
January 4, 2022Amen dear Sister!