[customfont fontfamily=”Roboto” fontsize=”22px” lineheight=”” color=”red”]A REVIEW OF THE MOVIE SERIES “HIGH CALLING”[/customfont]
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High Calling is a three-part movie series, written and produced by Evangelist Gloria Bamiloye.
It is a gripping tale of two brothers on their journey to fulfill God’s divine call upon their lives.
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[customfont fontfamily=”” fontsize=”” lineheight=”” color=”red”]High Calling 1[/customfont]
The movie opens with two brothers, John and Edward, checking their college final results. Edward made a First Class while John made a Third Class. John is disappointed and cannot fathom how his results dropped so badly, knowing he took his academics seriously and balanced it well with his fellowship activities. Edward, who is less committed to the things of God, comforts him and insinuates that his commitment to the things of God is responsible for his poor results. We later see that this turn of event is a divine arrangement to keep John in Nigeria for a higher calling.
John faces many taunts from his father who believes so much in him but also tries to discourage him from serving God. Edward is sent to the US for his Masters’ Degree, while John remains in Nigeria working for his father’s company under spiritually unfavorable conditions. John refuses to compromise even under his father’s persistent plot to stop John from serving God. His father eventually throws him out. He gets another job and fulfils God’s high calling – the salvation and deliverance of his boss’s household. Here are some gems from Part 1:
- God sometimes uses unpalatable situations to keep His children in His will and to fulfill His purpose.
- Trust God to unfold His plans when you have done your best but things still turn out contrary to your expections.
- Man plans, God finalizes. God’s plan must prevail because it trumps the plans of man.
- Parents may have good intentions, but if those plans are outside God’s will, it’s best to defer to God’s will.
- Pressures to forsake God will come. Don’t give in because all things work together for your good.
- Be a shining light for Christ. Don’t let being busy take the place of God or your divine assignment.
- Developing a vibrant walk with God, which includes discovering God’s purpose for your life, will keep you in check when other plans come your way.
- “No place is safe under heaven, except under the shadow of the Almighty and where God has located you.” – John
- No matter how bad your country’s economy, if you are willing and obedient, you will eat the fruit of the land. – (Isaiah 1:19)
- Don’t wait for the “best” time to serve God.
- Be careful. The enemy uses some “blessings” as weapon to derail people from the path of destiny.
- Yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit, especially to evangelize, no matter the “status” of the person, has great and eternal outcome.
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High calling part 2 written and produced by Evangelist Gloria Bamiloye. [/col-md-3]
[customfont fontfamily=”” fontsize=”” lineheight=”” color=”red”]High Calling 2[/customfont]
High Calling 2 focuses on Edward. He returns with his family, from the United States where he had married outside the will of God. The major theme here centers around the consequences of leaning on one’s own understanding, pursuing worldly pleasure, and derailing from God’s original purpose.
Here are some major lessons from Part 2:- All God has given us is for the expansion of His kingdom – money, opportunities, promotion, etc.
- God rewards those who pay the price and serve Him diligently.
- God has the ultimate plan for our lives. When we faithfully follow, our consistency will draw our detractors to God.
- Wherever God plants you, don’t forget what He has planted you to do. Don’t get distracted.
- God’s blessings are found where God has planted you.
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High calling part 3 written and produced by Evangelist Gloria Bamiloye. [/col-md-3]
[customfont fontfamily=”” fontsize=”” lineheight=”” color=”red”]High Calling 3[/customfont]
Our main protagonist John has achieved greatness, both in the vineyard and in his career. He is representing God excellently. The only thing left is to find a wife. He is so concerned, but unknown to him, God the Master Writer has already scripted his love story. Here are a few lessons from Part 3:
- God will use any situation to connect us to His purpose for our lives.
- All things work together for the good of those who faithfully follow the Lord.
- The journey to fulfilling our calling is never smooth. However, with the Holy Spirit as our Guide and Comforter, the journey is much easier.
Ultimately, it is a divine arrangement to keep John in Nigeria for the salvation and deliverance of his boss’ family which is his high calling.
High Calling is a must watch series for the youth, young adults, singles, spiritual leaders, as well as parents. If you haven’t watched it, do not wait any longer. Do so as soon as possible. Shalom!
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Reviewed by Bosede Comfort Oluwayomi
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