[bigletter]Tonia is depressed. How much more can she endure? The relationship has caused her a lot, her relationship with God and with her parents, her job, her health, and her happiness.[/bigletter]
She now wishes she never met John, her fiance. At first, he was a great guy but lately, he seems to have turned into a monster and has mastered the act of evil.
Tonia met John 6 months ago at her friend, Jane’s birthday party. They had a special connection from the onset and Tonia felt she had finally found the right guy.
“I’m not sure why guys don’t approach you. I mean, you are every man’s dream. Tall, pretty, nice, easy going, great job,” Aunt Rebecca once told her before John came into her life.
She had not been too worried at first, because apart from the issue of not being married, everything else was working well for her. But desperation began to set in as almost all her friends were getting married. So, meeting John was like an answer to her prayers.
“Be careful, Tonia. John is full of himself and he is also immature,” Jane had warned her that night at the party.
“Come on, Jane. He seems like a guy every lady would love to have. He is handsome and intelligent. He is well-connected with people in high positions in society. He works in one of the best companies in town.”
“But can you see how arrogant he is?”
“Yes…but very charming,” Tonia had said disregarding her friend’s call for caution. She had fallen in love with him at first sight. And also thought Jane might have been jealous of the attention John was lavishing on her.
Fast forward to the longest 6 months of her life, she is finally coming to terms with the fact that she could no longer continue to endure the beatings and insults from John.
The most shocking of the abuse was yesterday when he asked her to get out of his car on a busy highway just because they had an argument. She had confronted him for his lack of apology or remorse after she caught him cheating again. Each time she caught him cheating he would beg for forgiveness but not this time. He made it look like it was her fault while he was the cheat. Instead of an apology, he put her in danger of being run over by a car. She had to walk all the way home in the heavy rain.
“What do you mean you want to leave John?” Aunt Gladys was very upset.
Aunt Gladys had brought her up and was like a mother to her, but she was a greedy woman. John had literarily bought her over with constant gifts.
“Aunty, you know John is arrogant and promiscuous.”
“Tonia, there is no perfect guy out there. He is very handsome, intelligent, and rich.”
“Really aunty, I have made up my mind and I believe God will send me the right guy.”
“You’re 33 years old for crying out loud.”
“But you often tell me I look like I’m in my early 20s,” Tonia attempted to be humorous.
“You’re playing with your life.”
“Aunty, please… it is my life,” Tonia said gently, not wanting to be rude but knowing she had to stand her ground.
“Thanks for informing me that this is your life. I’m only concerned about you.”
“Don’t worry about me.”
“You are a clueless woman! I’m done talking about this nonsense,” her aunt said angrily.
Tonia left her aunt’s house in tears after a long argument. She was glad when her evangelism and prayer partner, Sister Rebecca’s call came through. They agreed to meet at the church to pray and talk.
She did not know what great surprise awaited her.
To be continued…
Tosin Aringbangba
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