[bigletter]The rapture is that incident which the Bible predicts will occur before the Anti-Christ takes over and rules the earth while the second coming of Christ will take place after the Anti-Christ has ruled for seven years.[/bigletter]
When Christ comes from heaven, He will come in the clouds with millions of His Saints riding on white horses to take over the rulership of earth and the Battle of Armageddon is the final battle of the powers of this world waging a war against Christ and His saints at His second coming.
The war will be devastating for the saints. However, it will be a short one as Christ wipes all His enemies off with the flaming sword of His mouth. Thereafter, the Anti-Christ and the false prophets controlling the world powers will be arrested and thrown into the Lake of Fire.
Satan himself will be arrested, chained, and cast into the bottomless pit to be imprisoned for a thousand years. Earth will be rebuilt and beautified and there will be total peace and tranquility for a thousand years. It will be a wonderful moment on earth when Jesus Christ sits upon the throne of David in Jerusalem and the city shall be the capital of the whole world.
Jesus Christ and His saints will rule the earth.
His saints, believers then and now, will serve in various capacities as country presidents, senators, mayors, legislators, police officers, company executives, etc. Everyone in positions of authority will be believers and saints of the Lord.
However, some saints will not sit in any position of authority because they have not been faithful in their earthly assignments. These ones may have buried their gifts and talents and may have not been useful for their generation. They may not have prepared themselves for the Kingdom of Christ. Nations will still exist and even be recognizable but may be in different geographical locations.
It is my belief that Nigeria will be relevant in the Millennial Era of Jesus Christ. Faithful men of God who are true to their calling and divine assignments now will still be relevant then.
For me, I am preparing myself for the Kingdom of Christ on earth. After the millennial reign, Satan will be released and will go about deceiving people all over again.
Those who will be deceived are those who have crossed over from the tribulation era to the millennial reign of Christ. They will be deceivable because they will still be in their unresurrected bodies. They will therefore be subjected to temptations from the devil. He will gather them to fight against Christ once more, but fire will descend from heaven and consume them all. After this, Satan and Death will finally be arrested and cast into the Lake of Fire forever and ever. So, there will no more be Satan and Death in the future world of God.
The millennial reign of Christ on earth is the first-course meal of the glorious eternal future. That is when we shall be with Christ forever and ever.
Revelation 21:1 NKJV: “Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.”
This is a glimpse of what is to come.
Serve the Lord in any area or platform you find yourself. This is the first prerequisite and the preparation for your status in the Kingdom of Christ that is coming ahead of us.
Evang. Mike Bamiloye
Samson Fayoyiwa
December 27, 2022More grace Sir. May we not be found wanting but waiting and anticipating/prepared just like the five wise virgins when the Lord shall return in Jesus’ name (of his fullness have you received, grace for grace)
Joy Odafe
December 27, 2022Amen!
December 29, 2022Thanks for wonderful information I was looking for this information for my mission.
Joy Odafe
January 26, 2023Hello Neutontnor! Glad you found the information.
January 10, 2023I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more.
Joy Odafe
January 26, 2023Hello Antibioticsor! Thank you for stopping by. Glory to God! We’re glad that this is making you hungry for more knowledge on this topic. The main takeaway for me personally is that we need to keep our eyes on Jesus and spread the Gospel in any way we can. The days of playing Church are over. Th time is short. Our Lord and Savior is coming soon. May He find us faithful.
January 25, 2023Good post!
Joy Odafe
January 26, 2023Thank you!